Season’s greeting to all my furry friends and their devoted family.2016 has certainly been another busy year. The clinic has seen a steady stream of cruciate injuries, bad backs, shoulder strains among the many musculoskeletal problems as well an assortment of other issues such as skin problems and cancers. In…
Spring, Itchy skin and local honey
October has been unusually cool, wet and windy. We’ve only had a few warm days. Once the mercury starts to climb, it will truly be hay fever season and itchy dog season. One useful and easy tip that I always recommend to my clients is to give your dog a…
What do acupuncture and guy ropes have in common?
Last night while helping some venturer scouts set up camp in my capacity as their unit leader, it occurred to me that tensioning guy ropes for tents was a bit like tweaking the biomechanics of a quadruped with acupuncture, more specifically a balancing technique made popular by the late…
Sore shoulders and the wonders of rehabilitation
Having written ‘Blog’ on my hand, The pressure was on to write one tonight before I forgot, yet again. At the end of a 10 hour day, my brain was not at it’s sharpest and the only thing that came to mind was that the last two dogs for the…
Turmeric biscuits, yummy and good for everyone (dogs and people)
I just helped my friend Elaine make some of her famous turmeric biscuits that are anti inflammatory, anti cancer, good for cognitive dysfunction, arthritis, circulation and digestion… Did I mention they are also yummy? Made with gluten free flour, eggs, natural sweetener of your choice such as stevia, butter, coconut…
My week in Seattle
Last week I shook hands with the president of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) was amazed by the correlation between Ancestral Acupuncture points and releasing fascia from an osteopathic perspective and said hello to a red wolf. I am pleased to say that veterinary acupuncture in Australia is right…
The countdown begins
Tuesday next week, I will be heading off to the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society Congress in Tacoma, Washington State for my first ever overseas acupuncture conference. I am especially looking forward to the osteopathic acupuncture sessions and hope to bring home some awesome techniques, …although Australian veterinary acupuncture has advanced in…
Swimming is not rehabilitation
In recent years, dog rehabilitation is becoming recognized as an important step in recovery after injury. However, many dog owners think that swimming is the answer. In many cases, swimming can make things worse. Many dogs don’t like or are not natural swimmers. This makes them struggle in the water;…
Ned ‘walks’
Ned, a 10 year old Boxer came to me in June this year after a spinal cord tumour diagnosed 18 months earlier had now reduced him to a state where he was pretty much a quadriplegic and his quality of life was seriously questioned by all. Being a ‘Wood’ element…
What a year! Rock on 2016
My apologies for the long absense. 2015 is nearly over and I hope I never have another year as busy as this one. My little hobby that ended up consuming a big chunk of the last three months is completed and Year 12 Chinese is finally over! I have not…
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