Autumn – a season for disc disease

The number one son is back from the wilderness and has fixed my website so I can post again. Many people complain that Melbourne can have four seasons in one day. When the weather changes in autumn and Spring in colder climates, we tend to see more intervertebral disease and…

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Happy Kukur Tihar (Day of the Dogs)

It was lovely learn from the news tonight that today is the Day of the Dogs. This is the second day of the five day Nepalese Hindu celebrations Deepawali. It is analogous to the festival of lights, the Indian Diwali. Dogs are honoured for their importance to humans in Hindu…

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Another wonderful conference

The jet lag is finally disappearing and I have had a week to put in place some of the new ideas that have been shared at the International Veterinary Acupuncture Group Congress in Wroclaw, Poland. The sharing of knowledge by my many colleagues was well worth the jet lag. Keynote…

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It’s about the dog.

I was recently invited to speak to a group of veterinary students about acupuncture and integrative medicine. So I talked about the wonders of fascia (the glad wrap of the body) and how acupuncture meridians travelled along these super highways and their close relationship with osteopathic and chiropractic techniques. Along…

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A melting pot of new ideas

It’s been two months since the annual Australian Veterinary Conference in Brisbane was held. The conference was a good time to touch base with the latest ideas and research. On the one hand was a lecture on the possible association of feed raw chicken with polyradiculoneuritis (coonhound paralysis) and across…

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