
My Outdoor clinic

Recently I’ve had a few clients query why I continue to work outside after the pandemic. It was because I noticed that dogs were much happier outside! There’s so much to entertain them: chickens, cats, cuddles…Don’t worry, if it rains, we have a covered deck. Just wear the right clothes…

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Farewell Old Friends

So my flight got delayed and what better use of my time than to catch up on writing my next blog. This one is a bit special because it is a tribute to all the beautiful souls I have been privileged to have known; have fought the hard battle; to…

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Autumn – a season for disc disease

The number one son is back from the wilderness and has fixed my website so I can post again. Many people complain that Melbourne can have four seasons in one day. When the weather changes in autumn and Spring in colder climates, we tend to see more intervertebral disease and…

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New tips and tricks coming your way

What a worldwind it has been. Literally… I’ve managed to tick off three conferences and one teaching workshop in that time; squeezed in clinic consults and ended with four days of enforced rest with the’ C virus’. New stuff It didn’t matter whether the conference was around the corner in…

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It Won’t Work

I had another one of those this week. My client turned up very worried because the damaged tendon in her dog’s front leg was starting to contract. The carpus (wrist) wasn’t able to stretch out. To laser or not to laser To cut a long story short. The wrist was…

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Case of the month

A big shout out to the amazing vet nurse Ebony and to laser therapy.I’ve seen Randy for the last three and a half years for his arthritis after cruciate surgery. By the way, he is also 14 years old which is not bad for a Beagle x Labrador with diabetes….

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