Autumn – a season for disc disease

The number one son is back from the wilderness and has fixed my website so I can post again. Many people complain that Melbourne can have four seasons in one day. When the weather changes in autumn and Spring in colder climates, we tend to see more intervertebral disease and…

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Case of the month

A big shout out to the amazing vet nurse Ebony and to laser therapy.I’ve seen Randy for the last three and a half years for his arthritis after cruciate surgery. By the way, he is also 14 years old which is not bad for a Beagle x Labrador with diabetes….

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When is a pig not a pig?

I learnt that pigs are not all the same this week. A regular client of mine brought her itchy dog in. There had been a flare up. It had previously responded nicely to a diet of a cooked wild boar as the sole protein souce in a commercial dog roll….

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Happy Kukur Tihar (Day of the Dogs)

It was lovely learn from the news tonight that today is the Day of the Dogs. This is the second day of the five day Nepalese Hindu celebrations Deepawali. It is analogous to the festival of lights, the Indian Diwali. Dogs are honoured for their importance to humans in Hindu…

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It wasn’t even a full moon

What a day. Thank goodness there’s a long weekend starting tomorrow. All my doggy patients must have known this and decided to test my sanity today. Here’s Wellington. ‘Your driveway is too long Dr Kim, I’m done. Unless there’s maybe a treat or two to make it worth my while…’…

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Another wonderful conference

The jet lag is finally disappearing and I have had a week to put in place some of the new ideas that have been shared at the International Veterinary Acupuncture Group Congress in Wroclaw, Poland. The sharing of knowledge by my many colleagues was well worth the jet lag. Keynote…

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