The countdown begins

Tuesday next week, I will be heading off to the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society Congress in Tacoma, Washington State for my first ever overseas acupuncture conference. I am especially looking forward to the osteopathic acupuncture sessions and hope to bring home some awesome techniques, …although Australian veterinary acupuncture has advanced in huge leaps and bounds over the last 20 odd years and we may surprise our northern colleagues. The conference will be followed by a rain forest trip to the Quinault Rain forest (better pack my raincoat).

It won’t be all play though as one of my aims while over there is to promote the 2017 Congress which will be in Cairns, so hopefully with a bit of networking and lots of pretty slides of the Great Barrier Reef and our own rain forest, we will WOW the other delegates and get a big turnout in Australia next year.

My clinic will be closed from June 7-23. I guess I will be especially busy catching up once I get back. I am certainly under the pump trying to fit at many patients in before I go. It doesn’t help that my landline will also be out of action for most of June while we change over to cable internet. if you can’t contact me on my landline try 0478131646 or [email protected]. Obviously not while I am away …



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