The Day The Chickens Ate My Soap

Just when you thought this was a little story unrelated to Covid-19, I am sorry to disappoint you but I can almost guarantee that it will be funny. 16th March 2020 Inklings that the Coronavirus disease might actually be a big deal in Australia started to creep into our consciousness….

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Stay safe and healthy everyone

Corvid -19 (Coronavirus) has hit the world like a semitrailer and like you, I am trying to stay sane, not panic and keep my community safe. Everyday gets more worrisome as the government continues to strengthen our guidelines regarding this pandemic. Due to the current crisis, Geelong Creatures’ Comfort is…

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I’m not Greta

I recently attended a seminar where ayahuasca, a traditional brew of the Amazon has been linked with management of motor neuron disease. Back in September, on my way home from an acupuncture conference in Europe, we traveled through Amsterdam. When in Amsterdam, many tourist feel obliged to try some weed…

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Another wonderful conference

The jet lag is finally disappearing and I have had a week to put in place some of the new ideas that have been shared at the International Veterinary Acupuncture Group Congress in Wroclaw, Poland. The sharing of knowledge by my many colleagues was well worth the jet lag. Keynote…

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It’s about the dog.

I was recently invited to speak to a group of veterinary students about acupuncture and integrative medicine. So I talked about the wonders of fascia (the glad wrap of the body) and how acupuncture meridians travelled along these super highways and their close relationship with osteopathic and chiropractic techniques. Along…

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Hind limb lameness and the sacroiliac joint

Hind limb lamenesses can have many causes. Hip dysplasia and stifle problems such as cruciate disease or patella luxation are a few of the problems that vets commonly see. However, sometimes the radiographs come back looking normal and the anti inflammatories don’t seem to have made much difference. What happens…

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