Hello everyone, Schools back and while the kids are busy getting into their routine, I have also got back into juggling mode and am in the process of helping to organize three different functions/ seminars for the animal chiropractic practitioners and the veterinary acupuncturist. The veterinary conference in Cairns will…
Introducing the piezo stimulator
I hope Santa has been kind to one and all for the festive season. Just before Christmas, I bought a piezo stimulator to use on acupuncture points. During my trip to Sri Lanka last year, Dr Elaine introduced me to the stimulator as I developed a sore neck from sleeping…
Recent Successes
Hi again, I was very excited recently to receive two referrals from an orthopaedic specialist who thought that his patients might benefit from some acupuncture and chiropractic work instead of surgery! Both dogs came in with sore necks and responded very quickly to treatment. A common finding with dogs with…
Teaching in Sri Lanka
Well, it’s been two weeks since I landed back in Australia from my whirlwind trip to Sri Lanka. Back in May, I had presented some lectures on rehabilitation at the Australian Veterinary Association Conference. A colleague of mine based in Singapore, then signed me up to present some rehabilitation lectures…
Spring activities
We are only into the first weeks of spring and work has already picked up a notch. As the weather gets warmer, people and their pets become a bit more active and I have been kept busy with an assortment of sore backs, knees and shoulders. To keep me on…
Wholistic Integrated Medicine issue 2012/2
方无古今要期乎治 理无中西务求其实 It matters not whether medicine is old or new, so long as it brings about a cure. .It matters not whether theories are eastern or western, so long as they prove to be true Jen Hsou Lin DVM, PhD
Issue 2012/1- first ever post
A big hello to every one out there! My clever son has set up a blog for me (together with this website). A client rang me two weeks ago and asked if I would look at her cow. The cow had collapsed in her paddock and had been unable to…
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