What is Qi?

This is a question that Western trained minds find difficult to answer. It can’t be seen, measured by machines or explained by the ‘Gold Standard’ double blind, placebo trials. Eastern Medicine however, places great importance on this ‘energy’. Explanations are often poetic and incorporate the greater world, even cosmos around…

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A good goodbye

I have had philosophical moments throughout my life (but my dad told me you couldn’t earn a living from being a philosopher) and the concept of death has evolved over the years. While away in Cairns recently I had some discussions about what it means to ‘say goodbye’ and an…

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Reflections 1: Pets in our community

I had a moment of epiphany today. it was Good Friday and I didn’t have any appointments, commitments or consultations that I needed to hurry on to. Nevertheless, there were still a couple of starving cats, starving chickens, starving guinea pigs and last but not least the pet rats to…

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