Rehabilitation hits all the right buttons for the Bali dogs

What a fantastic start to my week in Brisbane atttending the annual Australian Veterinary Conference. My Saturday was spent presenting a rehabilitation workshop including acupuncture and animal biomechanical medicine to a group of veterinarians and veterinary nurses. The problems ranged from cruciate disease in a beautiful 16 year old Maltese terrier; degenerative myelopathy and spondylosis in another geriatric, a German Shepherd; a couple of lame puppies and disc problems in a rescue Great Dane and a Mastiff.

Delegates came from all over; as far as chilly Melbourne and one vet came all the way from Sydney just for this one day workshop.

It was such an honour to share the day with my co-presenters Dr Steve Denley from Vetlicious, the new balanced supplement for dogs and Dr Elaine Cebuliak from Animal Wellness Holistic Veterinary Clinic who organized this fabulous fundraising event to help raise money to build a veterinary clinic in Nusa Penida, an island off Bali.

Dr Kadek the Nusa Penida veterinarian has managed to eradicate rabies on the island and improved dog health and population control. Unfortunately this is all done in the open air and he desperately needs a clinic to work out of.

We all donated our time and 100% of the profits will go towards the vet clinic fund. If you are interested in helping this worthwhile cause, click here.



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