Hopefully this will encourage me to post more frequently.
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Hopefully this will encourage me to post more frequently.
I meant to write this blog back in January when our local dog park reopened after the floods. There was plenty of excitement and I saw many carks parked in front of the gate and lots of dogs running around. This got me thinking about the general advise I give…
It’s been two months since the annual Australian Veterinary Conference in Brisbane was held. The conference was a good time to touch base with the latest ideas and research. On the one hand was a lecture on the possible association of feed raw chicken with polyradiculoneuritis (coonhound paralysis) and across…
What a fantastic start to my week in Brisbane atttending the annual Australian Veterinary Conference. My Saturday was spent presenting a rehabilitation workshop including acupuncture and animal biomechanical medicine to a group of veterinarians and veterinary nurses. The problems ranged from cruciate disease in a beautiful 16 year old Maltese…
Hind limb lamenesses can have many causes. Hip dysplasia and stifle problems such as cruciate disease or patella luxation are a few of the problems that vets commonly see. However, sometimes the radiographs come back looking normal and the anti inflammatories don’t seem to have made much difference. What happens…
Apart from the constant trickle of dogs that need their knees rehabilitated, I have had a run of bad backs and paralyzed dogs recently. When people damage their disc, they get back pain, referred leg pain and so on. Unfortunately when dogs damage their disc, their symptoms can range from…