Ned ‘walks’

Ned, a 10 year old Boxer came to me in June this year after a spinal cord tumour diagnosed 18 months earlier had now reduced him to a state where he was pretty much a quadriplegic and his quality of life was seriously questioned by all. Being a ‘Wood’ element…

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Why is Shen Men used for epilepsy?

I recently came across a Facebook article that talked about the discussed the importance of the vagus nerve in just about everything, including epilepsy, depression, inflammation and the immune system. It talked about fitting an electrical implant to stimulate the vagus. This got me wondering about how I could do…

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Cat acupuncture

14 year old Russian Blue hit by car 9 weeks ago. Fractures in the pelvis surgically repaired but she was left with poor use of her back legs, severe constipation and weight loss due to poor appetite. With three weeks of acupuncture and herbal treatment, she rapidly overcame her constipation,…

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The benefits of treating puppies

We’ve all heard that prevention is better than cure. This is true for our furry companions too.  I occasionally get clients bringing in very young puppies because they can’t walk ‘properly’. the results have been very rewarding. Take the ‘swimmer’ puppy that could barely get up at three weeks old…

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What is Qi?

This is a question that Western trained minds find difficult to answer. It can’t be seen, measured by machines or explained by the ‘Gold Standard’ double blind, placebo trials. Eastern Medicine however, places great importance on this ‘energy’. Explanations are often poetic and incorporate the greater world, even cosmos around…

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Bad Backs and paralysed Dachshunds

Apart from the constant trickle of dogs that need their knees rehabilitated, I have had a run of bad backs and paralyzed dogs recently. When people damage their disc, they get back pain, referred leg pain and so on. Unfortunately when dogs damage their disc, their symptoms can range from…

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The Energetics of Acupuncture

The heat is super crazy today. It is the fourth day of over 40 degrees Celsius and commuting by bike in this weather is not much fun. Still, the animals have coped so far. A possum collapsed under my neighbour’s tree two days ago and although I was not around…

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